I guess it was inevitable. That's what happens. People grow up. Get older. Die. Maybe I went a little too far with the dying comment. But it does happen. No one can live forever in this mortal state.
I was pretty much dreading turning 20. I was terrified to leave my teenage years. They were so great. I could be responsible yet still be able to get away with screwing up because I was still a teen. Turning 20 changes everything. I can't get away with nearly as much any more because I am now in my twenties. I'm expected to be responsible and not make dumb decisions. Not to mention all the things that typically happen in your twenties. Like graduating college. Graduating graduate school. Finding a real job. Getting married. Having babies. Oh my goodness brain overload. It's insane for me to think that a lot of this will happen in the next 10 years.
Being a teenager was so simple. I'm going to miss it. I had my moment of silence for all those great years.
I will survive.
It's a new chapter in my life.
I'm ready to embrace my twenties.
Moving on, teaching is going great still! I seriously love that I get to interact with all the kids. I care about all of them so much! I had a dream that I had to leave Lithuania six weeks early for some reason and I was just crying and crying because I missed the kids so much. That's pretty much what happened when I left Ukraine and I didn't have nearly as many kids to miss there. So I know leaving here is going to be extremely difficult.
I think the elementary kids are the most entertaining to engage in conversation. They speak the best out of all the kids because they have been in the program the longest. I love spending time with them even though some of them drive me up the wall. They're still hilarious and I have become pretty good friends with a few of them. And they take great pleasure in ganging up on me and tickling me. But what can I say, when I leave here I am really going to miss
The primary and basic reading kids are so fun to be around! They always have a ton of energy and most of them want to learn. Sometimes it is hard to get them speaking, but when they do speak most of the time it is very clear. It's so great to see how much they have all progressed in the past few weeks. It's crazy to think that we have seen most of them every weekday since we have been here.
The pre-k kids are definitely the most adorable. They don't re
ally speak English at all, but it is so fun to watch them. They try to sing our songs and they do all the motions. Their parents help them say the words in English that we want them to say and when they do speak, they do it so clearly! Not to mention they are all awesome high fivers and there is one boy who always runs to give all of us a hug whenever he sees us. They're just so precious.
I really do love being a a part of the International Language Program. It's such a great way to experience different cultures and see different countries while teaching adorable kids that might drive you insane, but you find a way to love them anyway.
Oh, and if you want to see a fantastic video made by one of my best friends for my birthday, click here! You will not regret it. I promise. I laughed and cried and laughed some more.
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